یکشنبه 15 مهر 1403

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دانشجویان بین الملل

Training of International Students at Kazeroun Health Research Station

Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control

School of Public Health

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

During the summer 2013 (29 August-13 September) a total of 21 students (including 15 international MPH students , 6 Ph.D students of Epidemiology) of School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences paid a visit from Kazeroun Health Research Station to do their activities for field training. Duration of this training is 2 weeks and they will do their workshop under supervision of Prof.Holakoii from school of  Public Health. The Kazeroun Health Research Station has good facilities including Malaria Laboratory, Leishmania Laboratory, Insecticide evaluation laboratory, Insectary for rearing malaria and other vectors, well-equipped classrooms, Library, well equipped laboratory with microscopes and Binoculars. The station also provides full accommodation for the participants. All the boarding and lodging are the responsibility of School of Public Health. During the field visit all the participants will be familiar with infrastructure of Health system in Kazerun county. Furthermore they will survey on 10 most important Social-health priorities in the region. Meanwhile, they will pay a visit from monumental sites.

The school of Public Health appreciates for the kind collaboration of Global Strategies and International Affairs, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Professor Mesdaghinai and Dr. Akhavan, Dean and vice dean of the School of Public Health for providing facilities to do this important activities. Professor Rassi , Head of the Kazeroun Health Research Station for introducing the research station and conducting the research staff to do their responsibility as best as possible ,  Eng. Abai for his kind assistance. At the end of the filed training all the participants should provide a report from their activities.


Prof.Y.Rassi , Head of the Kazeroun Health Research Station

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